Friday, July 24, 2009

Wild for Harry!

Katie started the craze way back when she was in 2nd grade. She came home with this book,"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". I had heard that the books were banned in some Utah schools (true or not I don't know) and told her I wanted to read it before she did to make sure it was appropriate. The rest is history.

Most of the family is addicted!

So we did go to the midnight opening of "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince." Christopher made us the cute little house pins (you can't see Tori's and mine, but we are Ravenclaw) and put together our student outfits. We made ourselves wands. (Olivander was NOT available) Tori's friend Evan Cucuk came with us and he did it up big time!

Brett and I were the OLDEST people dressed up that we saw at the theater. What can we say?

There is something magical (pun intended) about a midnight showing. I guess it is the other geeks doing the same thing you are! The energy and excitement is unsurpassed.

Our review? The best one yet. (Being HUGE fans of the books, we are kinda critical of the movies. You other fans know how that goes. Not that we don't own every movie mind you!) Dumbledore actually made us love him in this movie and we haven't been a big fan of Michael Gambon's portrayal. We have lots of other opinions, but do you really want to read my novel?

I'll just say. We had so much fun! It was great! I love that my family is willing to be weird! They are wonderful! Harry Potter is something that we love sharing together!


  1. Mwahahaha, it's kinda fun being the culprit who started the plague :)
    You all look SO GOOD! I'm glad you got a picture all together. Very impressed with your outfits... Can't wait to see it!

  2. How fun! You guys are so tottaly decked out! I love it! Liam got caught by a ward member wearing his SEEKER shirt. He mentioned that his family were huge fans, to which Brother Laterner said, oh really "THEY" are huge fans huh? We also loved the movie!
